Policy Paper on Promoting Urban Arts Education

The fifth output will be a policy Paper about the potentials of transdisciplinary Urban Arts Education in terms of social inclusion, which aims to develop operational and policy recommendations based on the analysis of the results of the transnational project, for decision and policymakers in the field of adult education, arts and culture.

Taking into account metro- and multilingual approaches it will offer the integrating and participative function of art education in urban areas. Additionally, the paper will summarize how the results of the survey, the project events, and the application-oriented outputs contribute to social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and support the creative and educational sector.  


The dissemination and participation in the frame of IO4 and IO5 can be digital so that the impact of IO4 and I05 is not be threatened by possible pandemic restrictions.


Empfehlungen fur Entscheidungstrager innen zur Forderung urbaner Kultureller Bildung DE

Empfehlungen fur Kulturvermittler innen zur Forderung urbaner Kultureller Bildung

Forschungsagenda zur Forderung urbaner Kultureller Bildung


Radleggingar til stjornmalamanna ad efla Borgarlistmenntun

Radleggingar til listakennara ad efla borgarlistmenntun

Stefnuskra til ad efla borgarlistmenntun


Recomendações para Educadores de Artes Promover a Educação para as Artes Urbanas Este

Recomendações para Decisores políticos para promover Educação para as Artes Urbanas

Agenda de Investigação para promover a Educação para as Artes Urbanas Este


Priporočila izvajalcem umetnostnega izobraževanja za promocijo urbanega umetnostnega izobraževanja

Priporočila oblikovalcem politik za spodbujanje izobraževanja na področju urbanih umetnosti

Raziskovalna spoznanja za promocijo urbanega umetnostnega izobraževanja


Recommendations for Arts Educators to promote Urban Arts Education

Recommendations for Policymakers to promote Urban Arts Education

Research Agenda for Urban Arts Education